Tuesday 19 April 2011

Kazz Kumar- Official Tiba Training Blogger!

Kazz Kumar - UK Based Singer/Songwriter/Fashionista, known for her quirky songs and loud red carpet attire comes on board the TT team and takes over the online blogger role!!

"Ive blogged and written about Fashion and skin care tips for websites and print publications - i loved it and i always received great feedback from the public and i enjoyed doing it! 
I also blogged for my own site and made viral vlogs (video blogs) which were a success!
Publications and websites have offered me blogger roles before but i wanted to be apart of something i really believed in!
I was really excited when i was offered the Official Tiba Training Blogger role! The Institute is amazing and i believe that it will be a successful one. Best of luck to the students, you are in great, professional hands!" - Kazz Kumar

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